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Understanding the Bible

Jeff Cavins

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Questions Covered:

  • 03:20 - If Jesus is the only one who has conquered death, then how do we get these people rising from the dead at the end of Matthew?
  • 05:22 - Is the story of Sodom and Gamorrah historical?
  • 10:58 - When God speaks it’s not in quotes but when humans do it is. Why is that?
  • 17:52 - Why does the devil tempt Jesus after he starts his ministry and not before? Also, why are none of the temptations sexual in nature?
  • 22:25 - I’m not Catholic. Jesus told the good thief that he would be with Jesus in paradise that day? Wouldn’t that negate purgatory?
  • 37:00 - In Proverbs the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. What does it mean?
  • 43:56 - I just want to thank Jeff, His book saved me from leaving the Church.
  • 48:05 - Did Jesus have brothers?
  • 51:41 - Could you explain Mt 16:28 in the context of verse 27? Is it referring to the second coming? Who is that Jew that has not tasted death?
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