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Tips for Defending the Faith

Questions Covered:

  • 03:58 - How do I respond to someone who says that bishops’ authority did not exist until after Constantine and that Protestant ministers serve the same role as these bishops prior?
  • 12:25 - How do I respond to an apatheist?
  • 19:25 - How do you speak out against certain sins when there is public knowledge that you have a history of struggle with this sin?
  • 29:20 - How can we defend the divinity of Christ and the fact that Jesus is God?
  • 32:38 - How do I defend the Church from the claim that she changed her teaching on the death penalty?
  • 44:50 - How do I prove that the Sabbath is on Sunday instead of Saturday?
  • 51:50 - Why does the Church need a pope?
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