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The Why’s of Catholic Beliefs

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Questions Covered:

  • 05:50 - Are indulgences real?
  • 17:35 - Why wasn’t Moses allowed to go into the promised land?
  • 22:07 - Could you explain plenary indulgences and the history of people paying for them?
  • 29:12 - If someone goes to confession and does their penance, they still have to go through a purgation. Is this true?
  • 33:43 - Can one listen to music where the singer uses the Lord’s name in vain?
  • 41:05 - How does the Church reconcile the preferential option for the poor when poverty arises due to one of the 7 deadly sins?
  • 49:04 - In the Creed it mentions the resurrection of the body. Why is this important and why can’t we just leave the body behind?
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