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The Why’s of Catholic Belief

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Questions Covered:

  • 02:17 - God never said contraception was sinful, in fact the bible says the opposite.
  • 10:15 - I’m confused. Isn’t it apostasy to go to the Greek Orthodox Church?
  • 15:55 - If we say God is everywhere, can we say he is in hell?
  • 20:05 - Why do we call Mary holy?
  • 24:17 - Why do we call Mary THE woman when there are women in the bible who are also called woman?
  • 33:29 - Where did the Church come up with the theology of everyone having a guardian angel?
  • 38:14 - What prayer does the priest use to turn the host and the wine in the body and blood of Jesus?
  • 42:43 - Why is the SSPX able to give the eucharist but not validly forgive sins before Pope Francis’ approval?
  • 47:12 - Why do protestants say it’s blasphemous to pray the rosary?
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