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The Why’s of Catholic Belief

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Questions Covered:

  • 06:10 - In the bible it says Jesus went up into the sky, and will come back in the same way. Is this symbolic like Genesis description? 
  • 14:42 - Why is Mary placed in such a high position? Was this the apostolic father’s placement or God’s? What books should I be reading to start my journey into Catechism classes? 
  • 30:23 - Why do Catholic churches have Bingo when Jesus flipped tables in the temple? 
  • 42:11 - Scripture says that the apostles were given the ability to speak in tongues to better communicate with others. Why does it seem that the current use of this gift involves a language that isn’t understandable?  
  • 48:38 - Why can I not receive the Sacraments of communion or confession until I complete my RCIA program? 
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