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The Papacy and the Early Church

Questions Covered:

  • 14:32 - Is it true that some popes taught heresy? If some popes really were all that bad, wouldn’t we have heard more about them? 
  • 17:38 - What was the Great Schism? 
  • 23:40 - Can you elaborate on the process whereby we come to know that papal/apostolic succession is accurate? 
  • 35:14 - Isn’t the fact that Peter was wrong about circumcision in the Scriptures evidence that he was not infallible? Also, wasn’t he the Pope of Antioch, not Rome? 
  • 45:10 - Can a pope maintain his office if he teaches heresy? 
  • 52:16 - Can you refute the claim that there was once a female pope, Pope Joan? 
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