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Catholics Answers’ chaplain, Norbertine Fr. Hugh Barbour, joins Cy to take any question of a pastoral nature. He offers advice on marriage, family, work, the liturgy, and much more.

Questions Covered:

  • 07:45 - I have a daughter who is talking about getting a surgery, so she can’t have any more kids. She is pregnant with her 3rd child. I take care of her first two. How can I speak to her about the very poor life choices she is making?
  • 13:38 - What is the Norbertine rite Mass like?
  • 17:05 - Who was St. Therese, the Little Flower?
  • 20:02 - What is the contemporary Catholic response to acedia?
  • 24:38 - What is the definition of reconciliation? Can there be forgiveness without reconciliation?
  • 28:37 - Do I need to be physically attracted to someone to marry them?
  • 33:00 - Does a priest forgive sins or does Jesus forgive sins? How can I explain confession to a Baptist brother?
  • 36:48 - What is the relationship between a Freemason and the Catholic Church? Is there a difference between a Mason and a Freemason?
  • 43:59 - If I receive something when I donate to a charitable organization, is it really a virtuous donation?
  • 47:22 - In Luke 17, it says, “the day when the Son of man is revealed…” Has this already taken place or is it still going to happen?
  • 51:00 - I’ve been married for 3 years and my husband and I have not been able to consummate our marriage for various medical reasons. Is our marriage still valid?
  • 52:30 - Why is there no salvation outside of the Catholic Church? What does that mean, exactly?
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