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The Beauty of the Mass

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Questions Covered:

  • 28:51 - You’re only talking about the Latin Mass, are you saying that the Latin Mass is the only worthwhile one?
  • 34:19 - In the penitential rite, are we supposed to make the sign of the cross?
  • 36:30 - Why do you keep your thumb and forefinger together after the consecration?
  • 38:24 - Why do we sit, stand and kneel during mass?
  • 46:31 - Why don’t some parishes ring the bells during the consecration? Is it optional?
  • 50:31 - Is the tabernacle open during the Latin Mass? If so, is that why the priest has his back to the people?
  • 53:10 - What’s the difference between the Latin Mass, New Mass and Byzantine Mass?
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