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Why Did Jesus Incarnate When He Did?

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Open Forum – Questions Covered:

  • 04:11 - Were gospels written to try and make Romans, especially Pilot, look good? I watched a show that made this claim.
  • 10:33 - Does the grace of the Divine Mercy Chaplet that I pray for my relatives reduce if I include others?
  • 15:34 - I’ve heard that scientists that study the universe are finding evidence that the earth might be the center of the universe. What are your thoughts on this?
  • 19:46 - I know my faith pretty well and have been doing bible study with Jehovah’s Witness. I also go to Sabbath with my Jewish friends. Where is the line when it comes to praying with other faiths?
  • 29:31 - I’m Catholic and my wife is agnostic. My priest pressed me about her converting. He got upset with my response and denied me absolution. Can you give me some clarity with this situation? Am I going to hell for this? It felt very judgmental
  • 42:56 - Is there any theology on why Jesus came to earth in the time that he did?
  • 47:14 - What causes Jesus’ different reactions in 4th and 8th stations of the cross?
  • 51:10 - Psalm 110:7 What does this line mean?
  • 52:45 - Was Mary Magdalene the sister of Martha?
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