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Overcoming Obstacles to Catholicism

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Questions Covered:

  • 01:45 - I’m struggling with worshiping in a Catholic Church. Do you have any advice?
  • 11:13 - I’m struggling to understand why the Pope won’t call out high-profile politicians If they are clearly speaking against the teachings of the Church?
  • 17:18 - I struggle with my priest who doesn’t approve of me receiving communion on the tongue and also allows lay people to expose the Eucharist in the monstrance. What can I do?
  • 23:23 - I’m struggling with my faith. Can Christianity be proven? Are we living in the matrix? Have you heard of the Egg Theory story? What are your thoughts on it?
  • 36:21 - How would a civil divorce be applied to a Sacramental marriage? Why would a civil divorce need to be annulled in order for someone to marry inside the Church?
  • 45:42 - What does the Church teach about salvation for agnostics and those with mental health issues?
  • 52:17 - How do I argue against someone who claims that priests ordained in the Novus Ordo are invalid?
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