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Questions Covered:

  • 06:44 - How would you respond to the claim that some people cannot receive grace from liturgy due to the abuse done by some priests?
  • 17:29 - Do Catholics believe in irresistible grace?
  • 23:15 - Why do we have many translations of the Catholic bible?
  • 29:25 - How do we reconcile Gen. 49:5-7 and Judith 9?
  • 33:05 - Since the deposit of faith include liturgical traditions, can the pope infallibly declare things that are not written or oral traditions?
  • 42:30 - Why do Catholic bibles have more than protestant bibles?
  • 47:00 - Would you consider Taoism a religion searching for God?
  • 52:36 - How is it just for someone who dies old to have a lifetime for conversion but someone who dies young doesn’t?
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