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Questions Covered:

  • 02:34 - How did they elect a new pope in the early years before the conclave? When did it become the responsibility of the college of cardinals?
  • 07:44 - I was taught that Christianity was the reason why the west has hospitals, schools, care for widows and dignity for women etc. but i get pushback saying Buddhist and other religious cultures also had that.
  • 12:52 - Where was Joseph at the time of the crucifixion?
  • 16:35 - With extreme political views like fascism, is Catholicism capable of fending those off?
  • 21:45 - What should we meditate on when praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy?
  • 23:11 - How should I address a member of my bible study embracing and promoting her daughter’s gender transition. Was it a sin for me not to say anything?
  • 33:27 - I live in a protestant dominant area. Everyone celebrates Christmas early during advent. How much of that should we encourage and participate in?
  • 36:45 - Wouldn’t 1. Cor. 11 make more sense and agree more with consubstantiation because the accidents are still present?
  • 43:10 - In the bible it mentions the veil in the temple being torn in two and as a protestant I was taught that this was a sign that the priesthood was no longer necessary. What is the Catholic understanding?
  • 45:52 - My wife’s cancer medication forced her into early menopause. Knowing that we can’t procreate, Is it moral to engage in the marital act?
  • 49:31 - How do you stay resilient when being faced with attacks from protestants?
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