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Open Forum

Jimmy Akin

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Questions Covered:

  • 02:29 - How do we understand that the institution of the Church is a good thing especially for people who have been hurt by the Church?
  • 07:57- What can I say to a friend who questions whether to remain Catholic because they see atheist friends having such a fun and great life without God?
  • 16:13 - Who is Phillip the Evangelist? I thought there were only 4 evangelists.
  • 24:17 - Is it true that if we light a candle in church for a soul, and they are in purgatory, the light will guide them to heaven? Is this an indulgence?
  • 28:43 - What do you think of trying to teach Christian morals apart from teaching the whole of Christianity?
  • 31:54 - How would you reconcile saints who say few will be saved and other saints who emphasize mercy and make it sound like salvation is more attainable?
  • 39:55 - In Daniel 10:10-14, God sends an angel, and it was delayed by 21 days. Can you give me more insight on why it would be delayed?
  • 44:39 - I had a vision in which I think I saw Satan. I wanted to know your thoughts on that.
  • 52:49 - How do we know that John the Baptist was born without original sin?
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