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Does Attending a Chaldean or Melkite Liturgy Fulfill My Sunday Obligation?

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Jimmy Akin tackles fascinating Catholic questions, from Sunday obligation at Eastern liturgies to Eucharistic reverence, transubstantiation, Adam & Eve, public schools, and the best Bible translation. Don’t miss this deep dive into faith and theology!

Questions Covered:

  • 04:09 - Could there be apostolic traditions that are passed on by other means than written word or speech?
  • 12:07 - I think I got a piece of the Eucharist in my hair. How would I go about disposing of and cleaning my hair without desecrating the Eucharist?
  • 16:19 - I’m Roman Catholic, would my Sunday obligation be fulfilled if I attend liturgies at Chaldean or Melkite churches?
  • 18:12 - Can you pray for your own conception and it actually have any effect?
  • 21:47 - What is substance in the case of transubstantiation? Where does the change occur, Physically or spiritually?
  • 28:56 - Are public schools anti-Catholic or do they have anti-Catholic roots?
  • 34:55 - If Adam and Eve were the first people, how do we explain all the pagan people who were not aware of them?
  • 41:36 - What is the best English translation of the Bible?
  • 46:41 - What was the sin of Ham in Genesis?
  • 51:30 - Have you ever explored the cultural customs of using the Lord’s name in vain? Is prevalent in our culture but what about others?


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