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Do Jews Receive Forgiveness Without the Temple? And More Questions

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Jimmy Akin answers key Catholic questions on Jewish forgiveness without the Temple, King Solomon’s salvation, Jacob’s name change, Revelation’s link to cosmology, Jesus’ identity, demons recognizing Christ, and the Apocrypha’s role in reading and study.

Questions Covered: 

  • 01:21 - How do the Jews have their sins forgiven if there’s no Temple or sacrifices being offered? 
  • 05:47 - Did King Solomon from the Book of Kings lose his soul? 
  • 10:50 - In Mark 5, when the possessed man recognizes Jesus as the Christ, is this example of a bestowed grace? 
  • 14:07 - Why in Gen 32:27-28 does Jacob’s name change to Israel, but then not used in full force until Gen 35? 
  • 19:17 - How does the Book of Revelation relate to cosmology? 
  • 23:17 - In today’s First Reading (Gen 1:26), God uses “we” and “us” in the creation of man. Who is this referring to? 
  • 33:16 - Why do we say that Jesus was Jewish? 
  • 40:28 - If demons could potentially know Jesus as the Christ, why didn’t the demons attack him as a child? 
  • 47:42 - Is it okay to read the Apocrypha? If so, which ones? Is there a particular order to read them? 
  • 50:19 - In John 14:6, when Jesus says “he’s the way, the truth, and the light”, is he being literal about being the truth? 
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