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Questions from Society 315

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Questions Covered:

  • 03:35 - Is there a restricted number of religious orders that can be formed? What do the initials mean after the names of religious? 
  • 13:03 - In the book of Acts Paul confronts Peter regarding Peter’s refusal to eat with gentile believers. If the Pope makes a similar error today, who confronts him and how is it done? 
  • 31:42 - What kind of initiatives do we need a bishop’s permission for? 
  • 41:19 - Mark 9:29 says these kind are driven out by prayer and fasting. I have heard that the “and fasting” part is a scribal entry. How can we know that Jesus actually said this? 
  • 47:19 - What prayer do you say, or any prayer when you see crosses on the side of the highway 
  • 48:53 - Are there spiritual dangers of apologetics? If so, what are they? 
  • 50:44 - Hi this is Jeff from Huntingdon, TN. We know that God does not judge a person that is mentally unstable the same as others. What about people that have personalities, environmental situations and inclinations that could be considered almost impossible to overcome, even with a lifetime of praying for those traits to end? Will they be judged the same at the end of their life? 
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