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Ask Me Anything

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Questions Covered:

  • 06:42 - Is it possible to reconcile Young-Earth Creationism with findings of science that appear to say the earth is much older? 
  • 13:55 - During the apostolic age, was a mustard seed considered a weed or a harvestable crop? 
  • 19:11 - Did Jesus have an elemental soul like humans do? 
  • 22:43 - I’m having a lot of problems with two dioceses. They’re restricting my ministry and not telling me what’s wrong. What’s the next level I can go to to try and sort this out? 
  • 33:36 - How do the Catholic observances of holidays and seasons and feasts reconcile with Mathetes’ Epistle to Diogenetus, which seems to say that holidays and seasons are not Christian? 
  • 41:07 - With all the suffering in the world today, has anyone proposed that purgatory might be this world? 
  • 47:31 - Is it okay for Catholics to use supplements for your mood like adaptogens? 
  • 49:49 - What are some good sources I can read concerning typology of St. Peter in the Old Testament? 
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