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Dear visitor: Summer is here, and you may be thinking about a well-deserved vacation, family get-togethers, BBQs with neighborhood friends. More than likely, making a donation to Catholic Answers is not on your radar right now. But this is exactly the time we most need your help. The “summer slowdown” in donations is upon us, but the work of spreading the gospel and explaining and defending the Faith never takes a break. Your gift today will change lives and save souls for Christ this summer! The reward is eternal. Thank you and God bless.

Dear visitor: Summer is here, and you may be thinking about a well-deserved vacation, family get-togethers, BBQs with neighborhood friends. More than likely, making a donation to Catholic Answers is not on your radar right now. But this is exactly the time we most need your help. The “summer slowdown” in donations is upon us, but the work of spreading the gospel and explaining and defending the Faith never takes a break. Your gift today will change lives and save souls for Christ this summer! The reward is eternal. Thank you and God bless.

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Shacking Up

Audio only:

Questions Covered:

  • 23:17 - I’m a recovering sexaholic and have worked with people getting over those addictions and premarital sex.
  • 29:05 - I always hear people’s reasoning for shacking up is to figure out if you’re sexually compatible.
  • 34:15 - My niece shacked up with her boyfriend and had 2 kids. 10 years later they’re battling for custody in court. It seems to be worse for women.
  • 45:11 - How much of this is a result of fathers encouraging their daughters to go out and experience the world?
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