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Scriptural Apologetics

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Questions Covered:

  • 11:55 - Should I be reading the bible from cover to cover?
  • 16:59 - I’m protestant looking into Catholicism. What is 1 Tim 3? How come priests can’t be married?
  • 21:01 - Why does Elijah and Moses appear in the Transfiguration?
  • 29:31 - A Protestant told me that Catholics worship the same God as Islam. How do I respond?
  • 34:36 - Is there anything that supports the idea of cultural Catholicism? Saying if the culture doesn’t accept it, then the Church shouldn’t enforce it. Does the bible accept or reject it?
  • 41:28 - The Gospel of Matthew says that Jesus condemns divorce except for the case of unchastity. What is that?
  • 44:06 - I’ve been grappling with the issue of women’s silence in the church, as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35. Could you help me understand why it states that women should remain silent in the church and ask their questions to their husbands? I have read so many articles and watched videos but didn’t satisfy.
  • 47:19 - You said a person cannot divorce, remarry and receive communion. Is this true? Did I hear you correctly?
  • 49:39 - Was St. Dismas the first saint in heaven? Where were the other souls of the Old Testament?
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