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Open Forum for Those in RCIA

Questions Covered:

  • 09:55 - Why is it ok to cut up the bodies of saints and distribute them throughout the world?
  • 19:35 - My husband is an example of different ways of coming into the Church.
  • 28:42 - The Easter vigil masses look different depending on where you go, diocesan, Dominican etc. Do their Mass services reflect their theology?
  • 34:10 - Comment: I wanted to express just how beautiful it is for people to come into the Church during this time.
  • 36:03 - Why should someone become Catholic and not Orthodox with so much confusion coming from the Vatican?
  • 43:30 - My friend’s daughter is going to RCIA and wants me to be her daughter’s godmother. How best can I explain Catholicism to the Baha’i family?
  • 48:05 - I’m being baptized on Easter with a Mormon background. So, are my wife and I no longer going to be married in heaven?
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