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Questions Covered:

  • 3:53 – Moral argument objection: He either has some reason for commanding what he does, or he doesn’t. What is God adding to this scenario?
  • 14:25 - What are your thoughts on Pope Francis’ Spanish tv interview, that Homosexuality is a sin but not a crime. But it’s a crime in African countries, would that mean that the Church should be exempt from this issue in those countries?
  • 20:40 - Does the Eucharist become the body and blood of Jesus in all Churches?
  • 23:50 - Regarding the Mass, the priest usually gives an intention before the mass. Are the merits for that intention the same as the merits for our intentions that we bring?
  • 29:30 - When will we receive from the chalice at mass again?
  • 33:53 - Why does the Annulment process for Catholics who marry outside the Church consider their marriage lack of form?
  • 39:20 - Why are prayers to Mary efficacious?
  • 46:04 - What makes a Catholic mass have a real presence while others don’t?
  • 48:22 - Why were Jesus’ healings more physical and not so much emotional healings?
  • 50:40 - Does the Church teach anything about the morality of dancing?
  • 52:35 - What would my brother in his marriage have to do to have it blessed by the Church?
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