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Questions Covered: 

  • 02:20 - Is there a way to get an English translation on Pope Pius II’s encyclical on aliens? 
  • 05:53 - How to ponder the fact that our sins put Jesus on the cross? And why did Jesus go through so much suffering for us? 
  • 13:26 - How do we debunk the statement that the Catholic church is a cult? 
  • 16:32 - If sin causes death, why do animals die? If animals don’t sin? 
  • 21:09 - Can Fr. talk about the particular judgment versus the final judgment?   
  • 29:28 - What happens if a minor wants to join the church but the parents are against it? What do they do? 
  • 34:31 - What would hinder any baptized Christian (even non catholic) from going to confession and receiving God’s grace? 
  • 43:19 - can Fr. Paul explain why we have gluten free hosts? 
  • 52:00 - What is the difference between a sacramental marriage and valid marriage in the church? 
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