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Divorce and Annulment

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Questions Covered:

  • 16:24 - Jesus says in the bible if the husband divorces her and remarries that she is committing adultery. How does that make sense?
  • 21:42 -What kind of example does a pastor who was divorced set for his congregation?
  • 24:10 - I’m a revert after being away for most of my life. I was only baptized. During that time I was married and divorced. Do I have to get that marriage annulled?
  • 32:26 - It sounds like people feel entitled to sex and love and don’t like that the Church has something to say about it.
  • 36:19 - Is seeing the other party a necessity when going through an annulment?
  • 37:17 - I’m going through an annulment now. What are the roots of annulments? Where did it come from?
  • 44:18 - Are there any marriages that would not be granted an annulment?
  • 47:22 - My partner left the Church, and doesn’t want to return to Catholicism. Can we get married in the Church?
  • 51:01 - Is my marriage valid since the priest that married us left the Church afterwards?
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