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The Whys of Catholic Beliefs

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Questions Covered;

  • 04:02 - What does the Church believe in reincarnation and why?
  • 11:36 - Why do Catholics believe that salvation is faith and work when Jesus preaches works only salvation in Mt 25?
  • 17:00 - Why is the pope coming down so hard on the traditional Latin mass?
  • 20:57 - Why does the priest mention Melchizedek during the prayers of consecration?
  • 24:25 - Why would one want to evangelize a faithful methodist? Wouldn’t they already be considered part of the faithful?
  • 34:52 - Why are Catholics not united on the abortion issue?
  • 40:17 - Why would God allow things like Hurricane Sandy?
  • 46:42 - Why did the words of the mass change several years ago?
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