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Can a Demon Intercept My Prayers?

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Open Forum – Questions Covered:

  • 04:22 - What can I tell my mom who makes comments about hypothetically wanting to be taken off life support instead of suffering?
  • 13:39 - Who really was Mary Magdalene? The woman who was delivered from demons or the woman caught in adultery?
  • 15:39 - Regarding Pope Francis’ recent statements on the TLM and German bishops. It seems imprudent with how he handles both situations? What can we lay people do in a situation like this?
  • 19:41 - Can a person change one’s confirmation name?
  • 22:05 - Mt 27:52-53. It seems like a singular event and why isn’t it recorded in the other gospels?
  • 24:37 - My friend recently converted to Christianity. How do I explain to my friend the need to confess our sins to a priest?
  • 32:11 - Sorry but Jesus didn’t create the Catholic Church. Show me in the Bible please. He told his disciples to go spread the Good News.
  • 39:13 - Is it possible for a demon to intercept a petition prayer?
  • 44:43 - Is the Easter Vigil Mass mandatory to attend?
  • 46:29 - How would one respond to the claim that you’re not supposed to baptize babies because Jesus was baptized at 30?
  • 50:02 - How specific does a person need to be in the confessional? If you remember a sin while the priest is giving absolution, what should you do?
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