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Your Bible Questions

Questions Covered:

  • 01:24 - How do Catholics understand Daniel 9:24-27, particularly the part about the messiah being cut off in the middle of the week? 
  • 08:30 - The death penalty is all over the Bible, but is it supported by anything Jesus said? 
  • 15:33 - Where should I tell my agnostic friends to begin reading the Bible? 
  • 20:17 - When Jesus died, did just his human nature die or both his human and divine natures? 
  • 24:36 - In Romans 9, is “Those he foreknew he also predestined” the most accurate translation? If not, what’s more accurate? If it is, how is that compatible with free will? 
  • 36:12 - Does 1 Corinthians 11:5-6 and 10 require women to wear veils at Mass? 
  • 44:03 - Could Mary have said no? 
  • 48:28 - Is it wrong to ask the Saints to physically do something for us? 
  • 50:43 - Colossians attributes creation to the Son, but the Creed attributes it to the Father. Who created? 
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