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Questions Covered:

  • 09:01 - What was the creation of Jesus like? Begotten not made? Was he created since he is the Son God not Father God?
  • 14:32 - If a bishop claims he is afraid of death, should we also be afraid of death?
  • 21:45 - Do we know if the pope listens to Catholic radio, EWTN or Catholic Answers?
  • 29:18 - Is it wrong to wait a few days to go to confession after committing venial sin? What’s the gravity of venial sin vs mortal sin?
  • 38:14 - I was baptized as a Baptist at 8. Then I was baptized by a Sedevacantist priest and now am in full communion with Rome. What sins would I have to confess because I don’t know when I was validly baptized?
  • 46:51 - Is the Deut. 32:8 worldview in The Unseen Realm by Michael Heiser compatible with Catholicism?
  • 51:17 - In the Exodus story, did God take away Pharaoh’s free will when he hardened his heart? How do we understand that phrase?
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