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Questions Covered:

  • 07:00 - I have a friend who is hesitant to convert to Catholicism because the idea of confessing her sins to a man seems shameful.
  • 16:38 - How do I respond to the “forced birth” argument?
  • 21:09 - I teach a catechism class at a local public school (Australia). I was inviting them to our parish confirmation program even though most never go to church. One question I couldn’t answer: How did Peter know what Jesus meant by “Church” in Matt 16? Was the term used before then?
  • 24:46 - What is the best way to open conversation with family who are practically atheist?
  • 36:46 - Is it wrong to gamble during a financial struggle?
  • 42:22 - What, in your opinion, was Christ’s strangest teaching?
  • 47:05 - What is the difference between Protestant and Catholic salvation?
  • 50:25 - Why would Mary Magdalene go to the tomb if it was sealed and guarded?
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