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Questions Covered:

  • 06:32 - Luke 22:15 Jesus is at the last supper, and he references a cup before he offers his body. What does that signify?
  • 11:49 - Speaking to my non-Catholic family, how do I speak to them when they vocally speak out against the Church?
  • 17:19 - Should I skip on confession since I am still working on being contrite?
  • 29:58 - Does the Church teach infallibly that the soul who dies in mortal sin is condemned to hell? What is necessary for something to be considered mortal?
  • 36:38 - If Jesus was crucified and raised after 3 days, then how come we only celebrate it after 2 days? Friday to Sunday are only 2 days.
  • 40:22 - Is there salvation for people outside the church according to the Catholic Church?
  • 46:02 - I’m not Catholic. Why are the 10 commandments of the Catholic bible different from the Protestant bible?
  • 50:59 - Why is Biden not being excommunicated if he is not inclined to repent?
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