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Salvation, the Bible, and More

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Questions Covered:

  • 04:32 - What does the Church say about married who are on the way to converting and should they abstain from relations?
  • 15:23 - My protestant friend believes that sexual relations make 2 people one flesh and equal spiritual ties. What is the Church’s role in annulment and divorces?
  • 22:15 - I’m a convert. How do I address the lady on Rev 12 and my protestant friend who claim she is Israel?
  • 31:48 - Does the Church teach we can be perfectly sinless on this side of heaven?
  • 37:44 - How do we reconcile God being all good if he created the devil knowing he would end up evil or Adam and Eve falling?
  • 45:08 - How does the Church know which saints have bodies in Revelation?
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