How can our Catholic schools be renewed?
Questions Covered:
- 14:30 - I think the state of affairs of the Catholics schools is looking pretty bad and they don’t seem viable. The schools that are remaining open are getting overcrowded.
- 20:09 - I was a Catholic school teacher in a small school and I’d like to thank you for what you’re doing. I think Christ needs to be put back in Catholic schools.
- 30:06 - Is there some way that public funding can possibly be utilized to support Catholic schools?
- 33:05 - I heard about Our Lady of Victory High School. I have a sixth grader. Would it be a good fit for him since he is dyslexic?
- 35:04 - What do you think about making the school day start with Holy Mass for all students and staff?
- 39:25 - Do you think that all Catholic teachers took an oath of fidelity to the Catholic Church/faith that a lot of the nonsense would be removed from the schools?
- 41:20 - We homeschool because of the lack of good Catholic schools. In our co-op, which is Protestant, it has been challenging as my kids have gotten older. It seems like Catholic homeschool has not progressed the way Christian homeschooling has.
- 45:35 - Some families just simply cannot afford tuition. What is your solution for that?
- 49:35 - How much is Catholic social teaching involved in the renewal of Catholic schools?
Questions Covered:
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