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Dear visitor: Summer is here, and you may be thinking about a well-deserved vacation, family get-togethers, BBQs with neighborhood friends. More than likely, making a donation to Catholic Answers is not on your radar right now. But this is exactly the time we most need your help. The “summer slowdown” in donations is upon us, but the work of spreading the gospel and explaining and defending the Faith never takes a break. Your gift today will change lives and save souls for Christ this summer! The reward is eternal. Thank you and God bless.

Dear visitor: Summer is here, and you may be thinking about a well-deserved vacation, family get-togethers, BBQs with neighborhood friends. More than likely, making a donation to Catholic Answers is not on your radar right now. But this is exactly the time we most need your help. The “summer slowdown” in donations is upon us, but the work of spreading the gospel and explaining and defending the Faith never takes a break. Your gift today will change lives and save souls for Christ this summer! The reward is eternal. Thank you and God bless.

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Questions from Society 315

Audio only:

Questions Covered:

  • 06:09 - Why should we care about the Filioque?     
  • 15:38 - What is the Kingdom of God mentioned in the bible?     
  • 20:43 - How do we make sense of freewill when we die? 
  • 29:24 – Where does Limbo and purgatory fall especially when looking at the time before Jesus?  
  • 43:05 - How authentic is the Letter of Pilate to Tiberius?  
  • 51:06 - . Julie… Rochester, MN… I’m a cradle Catholic and I have a two-part question about baptism:  I’ve had relatives who wished to have their children baptized by a priest, but the priest denied them because of their living situations and lack of practicing their faith themselves. I understand that any Christian baptism is valid as long as proper form is used, so these relatives likely could have gone to another Christian church and had their children baptized and it would have been seen as valid by the Catholic Church. So what is the reasoning for just not baptizing the children in the Catholic Church as requested, when other baptisms would be considered equally valid? It seems that the other Christian churches are more willing to offer the grace to the innocent child. Also, in the Catholic Church, holy water is used for baptism. This is not available in other Christian churches, and often not available in emergency situations either, so I’m having difficulty seeing those baptisms as equally valid. 
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