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Questions from Non-Catholics

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Questions Covered: 

  • 05:49 - I’ve heard there’s 7 Sacraments. Two are mutually exclusive (Matrimony & Holy Orders). If a Catholic Man is unmarried/not ordained religious and receives the other 5 Sacraments, is he missing something/less than others who are married/ordained? 
  • 15:21 - When talking to Tom earlier, you left on a cliffhanger. Where in the Bible does it say you should be Catholic? 
  • 37:41 - As a non-Catholic, can I go to Confession? 
  • 44:02 - Is there a connection between Classical Liberalism / democracy (differing ideas in society) and Protestantism (having differences in faith in the “Church”)? 
  • 50:37 - Could you give me a Biblical/Traditional defense on Marian Doctrine in general? 
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