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Overcoming Obstacles to Catholicism

Is something keeping you or someone you love from joining the Catholic Church? Karlo Broussard is here to help.

Questions Covered:

  • 04:33 - When Jesus went to be baptized, he sought out John. I believe he did this because John held the authority to baptize. How do we justify who has the authority or not? 
  • 14:11 - My daughter is vegan and finds it difficult to be Catholic because the Bible condones eating animals and animal products. 
  • 21:47 - My obstacle is the promises of the Rosary. This is confusing to me. How is it a sacramental, but not a sacrament? 
  • 31:54 - I don’t believe salvation is found in the Catholic Church. 
  • 39:00 - My stumbling block is that Catholics believe in eternal hell. Why would hell be created to be so bad if most people are going there? 
  •  46:36 - My obstacle to Catholicism is NFP. 
  • 52:03 - When people die, do we know if they are able to ask for forgiveness after death?

 Book Karlo to speak at your parish or next event. 

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