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Overcoming Obstacles to Catholic Beliefs

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Questions Covered:

  • 05:22 - Is there light or ‘a light source’ in purgatory?
  • 12:51 - If a leader is not following the bible’s teaching, how is that going to affect the next generation?
  • 16:42 - Can you clarify the Catholic view on the Holy Spirit?
  • 23:26 - What did Jesus mean when he says ‘The flesh is of no vail’ in John 6?
  • 28:48 - Are we supposed to have a second baptism to receive our gifts from the Holy Spirit?
  • 39:39 - If IVF is a sin, then why would God provide a soul?
  • 44:48 - I’m having a hard time reconciling the God of the OT and the God of the NT. Can you explain?
  • 52:39 - How do I bring up Purgatory to my Southern Baptism friends?
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