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Overcoming Obstacles to Catholic Belief

Questions Covered:

  • 05:11 - I’ve heard that we are to reverence the altar in the Church rather than genuflect to Jesus in the tabernacle. Is that true?
  • 12:48 - How can Mary be sinless in light of Romans 3:23-24 which says all men have sinned?
  • 18:14 - Is Mary an angel of light?
  • 22:24 - My mom suggested I set a reminder to get to bed on time. I forgot and didn’t do it, and stayed up too late. Was that a violation of the 5th commandment?
  • 32:30 - It seems like we Catholics focus on just getting to Heaven rather than preaching the kingdom of God. What are some practical things we can do to build God’s kingdom?
  • 42:50 - Can you set me straight on all the James’ in the New Testament? There’s so many I can’t keep them straight. And which one wrote the book of James?
  • 48:07 - When we receive Communion, do we receive Jesus’ presence and do we become living tabernacles?
  • 50:03 - What does the Church say about the status of Medjugorje?
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