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Open Forum for Non-Catholics

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Questions Covered:

  • 06:29 - What’s the teaching on the Kabbalah tradition in Judaism?
  • 11:33 - I’m protestant. What’s the rebuttal to the 7th day Adventist claim of the Sabbath still being on Saturday?
  • 18:41 - What important teachings are in the 7 books that Catholic bibles have that protestants don’t have?
  • 22:35 - What’s the best argument for Jesus being the Messiah and that the Church was founded by Jesus?
  • 35:39 - I’m protestant and my husband is Catholic. This is a second marriage for both of us. We believe that we both divorced due to biblical reasons. Why wouldn’t the Church recognize our marriage?
  • 41:24 - What’s the history of the Roman part of the Roman Catholic Church?
  • 46:13 - What’s your advice to a lifelong anti-Catholic Baptist who is now feeling drawn to the Church?
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