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Questions Covered:

  • 07:44 - During Mass, the priest does the sign of the cross on his forehead, lip, and heart before reading the Gospel. Should everyone do this or only the priest? 
  • 12:00 - How can I better clarify with protestants that they are included when the Nicene Creed says catholic?  
  • 17:55 - How can I explain to a friend who missed Mass that they should go to confession before receiving communion? 
  • 32:58 - Why is Luke 10:16 a good source for submitting to Church authority? 
  • 42:58 - What level of certainty did the Vatican Council fathers have when they stated “The one true God’s existence could be known through human reason”? 
  • 48:18 - Jesus said we must drink his blood and eat his flesh, where does that leave Protestant? 
  • 52:26 - Can you explain praying to the different Marian titles like Our Lady of Fatima or Our Lady of Sorrow? 
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