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Were Books Added or Removed from the Original Canon of Scripture?

Tom Nash

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Open Forum – Questions Covered:

  • 04:52 - Can Catholics reject same sex marriage and be okay with same sex civil unions?
  • 08:00 - I’m protestant. How do you approach people who seemingly don’t care about the history of the Catholic faith, especially protestant receiving communion at Catholic Church?
  • 15:12 - Can you explain praying to spirits?
  • 22:19 - Are laicized priests allowed to do private masses?
  • 30:16 - Who is the author of Genesis?
  • 40:08 - Why doesn’t the Church encourage Catholics to read Catechism?
  • 46:02 - Did Catholics add books to the bible or did Protestants remove books?
  • 49:08 - Could there have been other women who had said no to the Annunciation?
  • 51:52 - Would a good response to a protestant who wants to receive communion that it’s just rude?
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