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Do We Know What Heaven Looks Like?

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Open Forum – Questions Covered:

  • 12:03 - 1 Kings 15:5 says David followed the Lord all the days of life. But how can this be if he had multiple wives and committed adultery with Bathsheba?
  • 18:05 - What is the Catholic root of confirmation? What does this have to do with the Holy Spirit?
  • 21:51 - What’s the best explanation for the original ending of Mark?
  • 29:27 - Can you go into detail about the Catholics’ connection to the pope and the point of one?
  • 32:22 - When discussing transubstantiation. Can we hold to the dogma without accepting the notion of substance and accidents?
  • 41:13 - Do we have any writings of the Church Fathers that explain what heaven might look like?
  • 47:53 - How can Catholics reconcile Pope Boniface IX’s explanation that salvation can only be obtained by faithfulness to the holy pontiff and Vatican 2’s teaching that people can be saved outside of the Church due to ignorance?
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