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When Does Marian Devotion Become Heresy?

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Open Forum – Questions Covered:

  • 10:25 - I’m atheist and am looking into Catholicism. My only religious friend began attacking Catholicism the moment I mentioned it. Why would Christians say that Catholicism is evil and Satan worshippers?
  • 18:18 - What is the ordinary form of the liturgy and what are the other forms?
  • 28:36 - If the priest does not say the words of absolution, is the confession still valid?
  • 33:07 - When does Marian devotion become heresy?
  • 43:10 - My birth mom has made me the person in charge of her will. She requested being cremated and having her remains scattered. Can I do this as a practicing Catholic?
  • 49:14 - Josephus and others had different beliefs about Jesus. Because of their beliefs, did they just leave out the resurrection?
  • 51:25 - How do the Catholic and Calvinistic view of the Eucharist differ?
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