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Was St. Patrick a Baptist Minister?

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Open Forum – Questions Covered:

  • 07:24 - Who was the very first Christian?
  • 18:45 - This past Sunday’s reading Acts 8:14-17. Don’t we receive the Holy Spirit fully in baptism?
  • 22:34 - What choir of angels are depicted only having a head and wings?
  • 24:39 - How do you respond to the claim that St. Patrick was a Baptist minister and that the Catholics hijacked his story?
  • 34:16 - by saying the Orthodox priesthood is valid, are we saying they are right in saying the papacy is wrong?
  • 37:45 - Is it true that there are over millions of Satan clubs across the country?
  • 46:02 - Chris, Thank you for your article in the magazine. Have your read Dr. Kreeft’s, How the weakness of the cross makes us strong?
  • 49:03 - Why is there so much repetition in the bible, specifically in Exodus?
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