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Why Do Catholics Call Priests Father?

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Open Forum – Questions Covered:

  • 07:13 - What book does the following quote come from? “Let your yes be yes and your no be no. If you are lukewarm, I will spit, you out.”  
  • 16:02 - Do baptism and repentance save? How efficacious are they if you can still lose salvation and go to hell? 
  • 23:30 - I have a daughter with intellectual disabilities with limited understanding and she is nonverbal. What is the Church’s stance on her being able to receive the sacraments? 
  • 31:58 - What am I supposed to contemplate while on the transfiguration in the Luminous mysteries? 
  • 38:48 - Why do Catholics call priests father? Doesn’t the bible prohibit that? 
  • 46:21 - Will the chalice ever be restored for communion? 
  • 53:09 - I have family who don’t know anything about Catholicism and they’re looking for a book recommendation that lays out the very basics. What do you recommend? 
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