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Is the Bible Historically Accurate?

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Open Forum – Questions Covered:

  • 05:45 - Why do we say that Jesus was crucified under Pontius Pilot in the Creed?
  • 13:18 - If a gay couple can offer a good well balanced homelife why would the Church’s teaching be relevant anymore?
  • 23:01 - What are your thoughts on the bible claim that few go to heaven, and many go to hell?
  • 32:58 - Matthew 5:27, Dennis Prager said that this quote is mistranslated, and the term is not actually “lust” but instead “covet.” Is this true?
  • 40:30 - You wrote an article that said that not everything in the bible is historically accurate. Could you expound on that?
  • 46:04 - Have you ever run into an argument that would try to discredit the papacy and the name change of Peter?
  • 51:03 - How can we claim that Moses was a prophet since in Numbers he was so violent?
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