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Can a Pope Overrule a Previous Pope?

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Open Forum – Questions Covered:

  • 07:47 - How is the Catholic Church the first church if there was no Catholic Church till the Great Schism around 1050 AD?
  • 16:04 - J. Warner Wallace uses Origen and other early Church sources as evidence against the Perpetual Virginity of Mary. What’s the response to that?
  • 21:52 - Are we allowed to use the earth for our own benefit or only use it for God’s glory?
  • 30:10 - What are the exceptions to being able to go to weddings that are generally scandalous for a Catholic to attend?
  • 34:28 - How was it possible for one pope to override a previous one specifically in the event of the suppression of the Jesuit?
  • 36:26 - John 20:17, Why does Jesus Make a distinction between his God and Mary’s God? Why doesn’t Jesus let Mary touch him?
  • 41:10 - What is Soli Deo Gloria and how could I talk to Protestant about it?
  • 44:26 - How is Transubstantiation taken from scripture?
  • 48:12 - A priest said that Moses actually parted the Reed Sea, not the Red Sea. He also said that Marian intercession wasn’t invented until the black plague. Are these things true?
  • 53:05 - When is the need for universal acceptance of the Church properly applied?
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