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How Did Mary and Joseph Deal with Temptation?

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Open Forum – Questions Covered:

  • 10:35 - Can you help me understand salvation history especially regarding substitutionary atonement?
  • 22:00 - My protestant friend claims that Catholics put Mary and the saints above God. I’m a convert and I just want some clarification.
  • 25:08 - Is the Aramaic word God Allah?
  • 35:35 - Why does the gospel of John not have the institution narrative?
  • 43:12 - How did Joseph and Mary deal with temptation if they didn’t have concupiscence?
  • 47:00 - How do we counter the claim that the parable of the wheat and the weeds is evidence for double predestination?
  • 51:18 - Could the church have made the change that they did at Vatican 2 without having an ecumenical council?
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