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Why Can’t God Create Another God?

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Open Forum – Questions Covered:

  • 04:53 - On Sunday the priest talked about Palm Sunday; that some people who welcomed Jesus were also the ones who condemned him. Why was there such a change in viewing Jesus?
  • 07:50 - In the Penguins Classic version of City of God, the author of the forward states “St. Augustine showed typical signs of someone on the verge of metanoia” What are those signs?
  • 12:58 - Why did God harden the heart of people in the bible?
  • 17:00 - Can Catholics attend protestant worship services?
  • 23:50 - We had a situation where the mass couldn’t be completed. I had a question about how they concluded it was appropriate.
  • 31:58 - Why does Jesus put his hands on the blind man twice in order to heal him? Why not just once?
  • 35:50 - I’m considering converting. Will I still be able to serve and play guitar at protestant services?
  • 45:01 - Why can’t God create another god?
  • 50:06 - Is it okay to take communion twice in one day?
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