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Was St. Patrick Schizophrenic?

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Open Forum – Questions Covered:

  • 06:30 - What does a scapular do?
  • 08:47 - For an ecumenical council to be ecumenical does it need the majority of the world’s bishops to be valid?
  • 15:37 - Is there a specific time in the gospel where the apostles received holy orders?
  • 18:22 - How do I explain to my non-Catholic wife why we pray for the dead even though we don’t know where they ended up?
  • 28:10 - Is it appropriate to have a baby shower on the Saturday before Easter?
  • 32:38 - Is it possible for someone to enter into a vocation that God didn’t intend for them? What would be the results of that?
  • 37:05 - When are Joe’s books going to be available in audio format?
  • 41:30 - I heard that St. Patrick was schizophrenic because he heard voices. Is this true?
  • 47:18 - When Christ quotes Psalm 22 on the cross, did those mocking him know he was quoting it?
  • 50:51 - The Catechism says God created all of creation to show his glory. Who was he showing it to if there was nothing there?
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