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Even If I Go to Confession How Can Still Go to Purgatory?

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Open Forum – Questions Covered:

  • 03:03 - Are things that are spirits that are not persons?
  • 10:12 - The Chaplet of Divine Mercy seems impertinent. What does it mean to offer up Jesus to the Father?
  • 17:19 - Do we impart importance on the archangels because they are named even when they are lower angels in the hierarchy?
  • 22:40 - When one is visiting a different diocese, do we have to follow the dispensations of that diocese or our home diocese?
  • 28:50 - I attended a mass with a lot of omitted parts. Was the mass valid and was the consecration valid?
  • 34:12 - It’s strange but if holy water is put in a boiling pot or put in a humidifier, are the vapors or droplets still holy?
  • 39:21 - Even if I go to confession how can still go to purgatory?
  • 44:34 - Jesus says that the gates of destruction are wide. What does this mean? It seems very discouraging?
  • 49:00 - If Genesis is allegory, can Mary truly be considered the new Eve?
  • 52:30 - In school, some kids don’t believe in God, how do I respond?
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