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Was St. Peter the Bishop of Antioch?

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Open Forum – Questions Covered:

  • 05:57 - Did Leonardo DaVinci have a vision of an angel in his life?
  • 13:30 - As a Catholic do I have to believe that Adam and Eve were real people?
  • 19:09 - When Jesus comes back, will he be in a special form?
  • 23:31 - On the Glory be prayer. Can you break it down and what it means?
  • 34:13 - I’m protestant and am converting. My pastor passed away. Would the Catholic Church teach that he was a heretic?
  • 39:38 - What is the Church teaching on what happened to Judas Iscariot?
  • 46:16 - How can we say that when the body passes away that we should keep it together, but at the same time we separate relics?
  • 52:31 - If Peter was the first pope, then why was he considered the bishop of Antioch?
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